Effective writing tools

Writing has always been an integral part of our education system, that could be in school or at Job, from essays to professional e-mails it has become essential. How can we be a good writer? is a question we always stumble upon, the more we read excellent content, the more we become abrupt.
Once a famous person said, ” The 3 important things that make you literate, 1-Reading, 2-Writing, 3-Thinking about both”. The more we read the more we learn and the more we learn the more it helps us to improve our writing skills.
In this article, we are going to help you with the essential tools that help you with your writing project, from essays to story writing, you have it all.
1. Begin sentences with subjects and verbs.
Imagine each sentence you write printed on the world’s widest piece of paper. In
English, a sentence stretches from left to right. Now imagine this. A writer
composes a sentence with subject and verb at the beginning, followed by other
subordinate elements, creating what scholars call a right-branching sentence
Subject and verb are often separated in prose, usually because we want to tell
the reader something about the subject before we get to the verb. This delay,
even for good reasons, risks confusing the reader. With care, it can work
2. Order words for emphasis.
Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style advises the writer to “place emphatic
words in a sentence at the end,” an example of its own rule. The most emphatic
word appears at “the end.” Application of this tool will improve your prose in a
For any sentence, the period acts as a stop sign. That slight pause in reading
magnifies the final word, an effect intensified at the end of a paragraph, where
final words often adjoin white space. In a column of type, a reader’s eyes are
likewise drawn to the words next to the white space. Those words shout, “Look
at me!”