October 16, 2024

we audit websites

Gaurav a class 12 student from St. Mark’s High School has shared this story. Title: “A way below and above”

Story shared by a student from St. Marks High School Secunderabad as a part of essay writing competition crated and organized by the techjournalist.com an event exclusive for students.

Young indian student holding diary file in hand.

Drinking and Smoking problems

India as a country has become alcoholic. Until a few years back, we had people drinking and smoking in college but they always tried not to showcase it as it was considered bad. With the advent of social media, being stupid and drunk has become the new being cool. College students go out partying and drinking and consider not drinking as being uncool. Everything is fine until it exceeds a certain limit, but students are not able to draw a line which is a real cause for concern.

Lack of Interest and Motivation

College is not like school. Indian students are spoon fed throughout school and they constantly attend classes, extra classes, tests and tuitions to learn the same concepts day in day out and finally vomit everything on the day of final exam. Some of the students are pushed into courses which they don’t prefer and it makes them rather depressed. Students lose interest and forget the actual purpose of going to college and tend to become lethargic and uninterested. When reality finally dawns upon them in the final semester, it is already too late.

Mess Food

College and Hostel fees are higher than ever, but still the facilities for students remain sub standard in most colleges. It is easier to find an extinct animal than a hostel mess which provides decent food. It is the nightmare of any hosteller and they spend their days in cookies and maggi which is not very good for health. Students constantly fall sick and no number of strikes or protests changes this pathetic condition in many colleges. It is high time a board was set up to inspect the food in colleges and make random checks to make colleges understand the seriousness.


Another common problem faced by today’s younger generation is too much of stress and peer pressure. While the earlier generations studied and worked they were not remotely as stressed as the current lot. They are constantly monitored, and there is a constant need for competition and extra effort. Things are constantly changing and they have to keep themselves updated to stay in the game, otherwise it is very easy to get left behind while the others keep moving forward.

Part-Time Jobs

Until not so long back, parents would never let their precious kids take up part time jobs. In India, working and studying was never appreciated. But with increased tuition fees and sky-rocketing book prices, many students are taking up part time jobs. Part-time jobs when related to what they study, is actually useful and can provide a great experience. But, most students take up jobs in pizza outlets and petrol bunks which distract them from studies and could pose a significant problem to their growth.

Relationship Problems

Being in a relationship is one of the most awaited dreams of most students. Finding a person who likes you back is not easy to find and when that happens there is no better feeling. But this happiness is more often than not short-lived. Very soon, relationships can become a mental block and might hamper the relationship with other people like friends and roommates. Break ups can be very hard to take at this age and can make the students depressed.


For most college students, roommates are the biggest nightmare. It is a rarity to find someone who gets a roommate who he/she gets along with. Most roommates like any husband and wife get on each other’s nerves and the mere sight of the roommate can make one lose his mind. Spending long hours with the same people can be taxing, but students should realize the days spent fighting and hating are days wasted and could be used for better purposes.


Increased tuition fee, hostel costs, eating out, birthday treats, gifts for girlfriend/boyfriend and by the end of the first week all the money your parents sent for that month are over. After the first week or maximum by the second the students hardly eat. College students drop out of college each year because they cannot afford it.

Hostel life

Hostel life is fun. The freedom of not being forced to eat and sleep in time and having the option to go “Maggi” any time makes it fun. But it is always short lived. As days go by, things become monotonous and boring. Students start missing the comforts of home. Washing their own clothes and not being able to have a bed coffee are some of the things students really start to miss. Homesickness is a huge problem for most kids, but there is no solution for this because it is part of growing up. It is better to accept and move on.

Studying …Still!

The most common problem faced by students is that they find it hard to accept the fact that going to college doesn’t mean end of your academics. Partially influenced by movies, which show college students only in canteens and theaters students often think college is merely fun. When presented with actual facts like results and monthly tests they tend to get depressed. The parents and teachers should also be blamed for telling their kids, finish school and no one will ever force you to study again. The only possible solution is to understand that college is a place where we can make friends and have fun but it doesn’t end there. The ultimate purpose is to learn and shape your future.