Writing Guide
If you are a content writer or want to become one, then you have reached the right place. This article gives you an understanding of the job roles of a content writer and what are the expectations set by the employers (Recruiters).
Every organization needs a “content developer” in their team and has a different job title. Ex. Content writer, Creative writer, Copywriter, Technical writer, proofreader, Content editor… etc. The Job titles can be different, ultimately the job description is important. The most common expectation of the above job roles is the ability to create content that is easy to read, understand and remember, in one word: Writing.
In this article, we are going to discuss the most important types of writing.

Creative writing: There are no specific rules to follow and you have absolute liberty to follow a writing style that you are confident and comfortable with. Creative writing focus on narrative, imagination, plot, twist, and information.
The use of creative writing is to educate and entertain the audience. The key skill here is imagination. Use your imagination and write your story.
How can I become a creative writer?
Read a lot of stories, books, and articles. Reading is the ultimate guide for improving your writing. Chose a genre and try writing a story or an article with your style. Install writing guide apps like Grammarly and pro writing aid which help you to eliminate possible grammar mistakes and sentence formation.
Examples of Creative writing?
Poetry, Plays, Movie and theatre scripts, Fiction, Novels, songs, and Essays.
What are Creative writing techniques?
Imaginative tone, Emotional appeal, Descriptive, Point of view, Character development, Dialogue, Anecdotes, and Urban legends.
Applications of Creative writing in Content writing job.
Eye-catchy titles, SEO keywords, Banners, Campaign ads, Headlines, and Search tags.

Technical Writing: Is the set of instructions that should be written in a formal way. You have to follow the style guide to make sure the content maintains integrity and consistency throughout.